Ing. Karel Trojan, Ph.D.

FNSPE, CTU in Prague
387, 387a (laboratory)
+420 778 529 853
+420 778 534 842 (laboratory)
Job title and functions:
Professional staff
Professional focus:
X-ray diffraction of polycrystalline materials, study of residual stresses and phase composition, application of X-ray diffraction methods to study structural and mechanical properties of technical metals. Cooperation with industrial partners and modernization of experimental equipment of the X-ray diffraction laboratory.
Subjects taught:
11PSPL – Praktikum ze struktury pevných látek
Publications: –> Scopus <–
Study and work stays:
2017 – 2018 (5 months): Materials Science Group, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Membership in organizations:
- Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association - member